An Apple Apple A Day, Tips, Doctors' Away- Who has not heard the story? That is, you will not have to suffer from diseases and diseases if you play an apple every day - this is what the famous proverb says.
But actually, playing an apple by the rules every day can be away from the disease and the disease? No, recent research says that.
The result of the study is that people who regularly eat apples - they also have to go to the doctor to be ill-treated like other ten common people. That is, those who do not eat apples regularly or at all, they suffer from diseases such as those who eat regular apples, there is no difference between them.
The whole thing on the whole depends on the physiological condition of a person.
Studies have shown that the body's immune system depends on weight, caste, and educational discrimination, and the degree of dependence on the disease. In addition to health insurance, there is a lot of time for the treatment of the doctor but sometimes it is!
Researchers analyzed data of 8,400 adults who participated in various government health surveys in the United States between 2007 and 2008 and from 2009 to 2010.
Those who participated in the study were asked to know what they ate in the last 24 hours, what kind of health care they took in the last one year. Only nine percent of people participating in the study consumed a small apple a day regularly. The rest do not eat apples almost.
It has been found that people who eat regular apples have higher educational qualifications and they smoke less than those who do not eat apples. The result of the study is that people who eat apples do not usually use medicines for medical advice.
However, it is not clear whether they use any medicines or medicines as a substitute for the medicines suggested.
Matthew Davis, the chief author of the research report and healthcare researcher at the University of Michigan, said that Apple is a good source of vitamin C. A medium-sized apple contains about 100 calories a day and 20 percent of the fiber required for the human body. There is also a small amount of vitamin A, calcium and mineral iron.
It is believed that, in the 1800s, there was a proverb in Apple in Wales. Apple was not easily rusted and was available in the year at that time - one of the few fruits Apple was one of the fruits.
It is good to keep apple in the food list, think nutritionists. But if not all of the regular dietary habits are healthy, then only one apple can not fill that deficiency, "said Dr. Nicholson Research Institute, North Carolina University. Steven Jeisel
Therefore, research never says that apple should not be eaten or is not good for apple body. Apple is like a normal meal or fruit like ten meals that can be eaten as healthy foods in the diet. There is no difference between the diet of healthy foods or other fruits in the apple separation.