7 food to eat at the wrong time, which is calling healthier!

December 11, 2017

Generally, many of the foods we eat regularly do not eat much of the time. Because there are certain time to eat food. At other times eating it without eating the food may also lead to health loss. The names of these seven food are given. The food that you eat at the right time is of great benefit. If you do not eat the right time again, it can damage the health of the food. Let's not know, that's about 7 food.

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Milk: Milk is the nutritious balanced food we understand mainly milk. According to experts, the right time to eat this milk is the night. Drink milk at night, the body will relax and the cells can absorb the milk nutrition well. But the milk stays longer than the digestion, so refrain from milking in the morning.

Rice: According to the nutritionist and the dietitian, rice and bread are not good to eat at the national food. It keeps digestion and digestion problems. At night, rice increases weight, digestion takes a long time.

Sophistication: According to Ayurveda, if it is eaten at night, it increases the heat on the body. That is the problem of digestion, chest pain. In that case, it is better to eat saplings in the day.

Orange: Orange juice Many people drink orange juice in the morning breakfast. The perfect time to drink it is in the morning. Vitamin D and folic acid increase the metabolic growth by working day to day.

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Banana: The appropriate time to eat bananas morning or afternoon. It is a natural antacid that eliminates heartburn and stays in the stomach for a long time. Many people eating bananas at night cause cold problems.

Green Tea: Green Tea Many people drink green tea or green tea to reduce weight or to maintain health. It is not healthy to drink anytime of the day. Avoid drinking it in the morning, it can cause caffeine drayotherapy and acidity. So drink it in the afternoon or evening.

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Apple: Apple is usually good to eat in the morning. Refrain from eating apples in the afternoon or at night.

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