Mufti Abdullah Tamim: Allah Almighty has sent the Quran only because his servants will recite the Qur'an regularly. Act according to the instructions of the Quran. He will take lessons from the historical events mentioned in the Qur'an and every person will take the correct directions of the matters related to the Hereafter and the Hereafter.
Allat Tayyal said: - The Qur'ān is the Book, in which there is no doubt that it contains guidance for the righteous (Surah Al-Baqarah-2).
O people, the reminder has been made to you from your Lord and to those who are in the heart, and the guidance and mercy for the believers. Say: This Qur'an is the grace of Allah and His mercy, so let all be happy. This Qur'an is better than what they store (Surah Younus, 57,58).
The Qur'an has been revealed in the month of Ramadan, which is the guidance for people, the clear signs of guidance and the difference between truth and false (Surat al-Baqarah -185).
Read the Qur'an revealed to you and establish Salat (Surah Ankabut-45).
Those who have given me the Book, they read it properly, they believe in it with reverence (Surah Al-Baqarah 121), read slowly and read the Qur'an (Surah Muzammil-4).
Among them there are illiterate and ignorant people who do not know the Book except for false hopes, they believe in illusions (Surah Al-Baqarah -78).
O my lord Why raise me blind? I was full of vision (on earth). Allah will say, so my verses came to you, but you forgot it, today you also wondered if you forgot you - (Surah Tahea 124.152 and 126)
On the day when their faces will be flipped between the fire of hell, on that day they will say, "Ah! If we obeyed the obedience of Allah and obeyed the Messenger. They will say, "We obeyed our leaders and their chiefs." Therefore, they have led us astray. O our Lord! Therefore, you should give them double peace and curse them - The Great Curse (Surah Ahab 66-68)
I have made the Qur'an easy to understand, easy to take advice, so is there a reminder? (Surah Al-Qamar 17).
To understand the importance of reciting the Qur'an to the Muslim Ummah, Allah has given Taufiq to lead the life according to the Quranic laws for the success of the world and the afterlife. Amin.