Five components to keep the skin fresh

November 09, 2017

Pollution, stress, unhealthy habits, etc. make the skin dirty. And what dirty skin looks like? There are some natural ingredients that help keep the skin fresh.
LifeStyle website Boldsky has told about some of the ingredients that will keep skin fresh.
1. Cucumber
Cinnamon is an excellent ingredient to keep skin fresh. Pour the cucumber paste and face it. After a while, wash your face with cold water. Besides, you can use the juice as a ficus toner. Use it once a day to keep skin fresh.
2. Aloe vera jail
Alcohol helps to keep skin fresh. Cut out from the middle of Aloe vera and get out of jail. Directly apply on the skin. After a while wash the skin.
3. Lemon juice
Add lemon juice to a cotton. Then put your face down. Regular use of it will reduce the amount of skin fatigue.
4. Honey
The honey contains antioxidants. It can refresh the skin in minutes. Apply organic honey to skin every day. This will reduce the dullness of the skin and the skin will be refreshed.
5. rose water
Rosacea is an excellent ingredient in skin care. It works as a natural cleanser. To keep skin fresh, wash the rose water before sleeping. Here's a fresh look in the morning.

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