We always face any danger, from which we can not find a way out. But we forget that, this danger is given by God but Allah can release us from this danger. When we are in great danger, then we should ask for help in getting rid of the danger from God in the holy place. Allah is great. He is forgiving. He can deliver us from all kinds of dangers. So do not seek help from anyone, take two hands with Allah, ask for forgiveness. He will rescue from danger. Let us know what blessings will Allah ask for relief from the danger.
Innalilahi wa inna illi rajune, Allahmuma azarini fee museebati wa akhilif-li khairam minha
Meaning: We have to return to Allah and to Him we are. Hey Allah! Give me a reward in danger and donate something better than what I have lost. -asih Muslim
Umm Salma said, 'I heard Hazrat Rasulullah (SA) saying that if he reads these prayers when there is a danger to man, Allah will reward him for his danger and instead of what he has lost, Give something better than that.
In another Hadith, it is further said that, according to Hazrat Ibn Abbas (R), he said that Hazrat Rasulullah used to read this prayer at the time of the danger-
PrayLa ilaha Ilallallahu Halimul Hakim, La ilaha illallahu rabbul arshil azim, la ilaha illallahu rabbus samawati wall aradi-wa rabul arsil karim
Meaning: There is no god but Allah, He is the Most Forbearing and the Most Wise. There is no god but Allah, He is the Lord of the great Throne. There is no god but Allah, He is the Lord of the heavens and the earth and the glorious Throne. -Allah Bukhari and Muslim