For the bright skin

October 06, 2017

Eid preparations are in full swing. Everyone at the festival celebrates the brightness of Eid festival or at least. Get out of the busy 20-25 minutes time. Care can be taken at home. It is possible to reduce the black spots or spots on the skin with the help of some common materials. Let's take a look at the simple method of reducing skin scars before Eid.
Harmony Spur Ayurvedic Rupilician Rahima Sultana's Consultation-
* Mix 1 tablespoon potato paste with half a teaspoon honey and apply it for 20 minutes. Then clean the skin thoroughly. Do not use oily skin on the skin. You can add olive oil to dry skin with honey.
* Take a bunch of pea or pea blancer to take 1 teaspoon. Make a pack by mixing half a teaspoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of milk. If the skin is oily, then packs can be made instead of milk and honey instead of milk and honey only. You can add a little lemon juice if you want.
* You can add sugar to make any scrub-pack for scrubbing on oily skin.
* If the skin is dry, then use the aloe vera, lemon juice and honey to make the pack.
You can keep the tub water or tomato juice on the skin. Clean the skin after 20 minutes.
Sonali Ferdousi Majumder, a fashion designer,
* Make a pack by mixing 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with oily skin for 1 teaspoon of oily skin. Wash your face and mouth after 20 minutes. Sausage juice helps to reduce the sunburn and small spots in the sun, giving cold and comfortable feeling.
* When the skin is dry, put a few pieces of papaya and keep it in mouth for 15 minutes. Then wash it. It also helps to remove the dead cells of the skin as well as working the moisturizer. The use of papaya packs is less in age than on the skin.

To reduce the sunburn in the skin-
* Add cider vinegar to 1 cup apple in the bathtobe water while bathing. If you take bath in water with bucket, you can take half a cup of apple cider vinegar in a bucket of water.
* You can put cold milk or yogurt on the skin of sunburn. Find comfort, skin will also benefit.

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