Join the Bangladesh Air Force as Flight Cadet

October 17, 2017

Online Desk: Recruitment notice has been published in Bangladesh Air Force. This appointment will be given to Bangladeshi nationals in various positions in Air Defense Control Controller (ADWC), 'Air Traffic Control (ATC)', 'Metiarology', 'Legal' and 'Education' as Flight Cadet.
educational qualification
Air Defense Control (ATC) and Meteorology for Air Defense Wiping Controller (ATC) and Meteorology will be obtained from any accredited university with a minimum division or class with a B.Sc. degree in Mathematics and Physics.
For the 'Legal' post, there should be a graduate degree (LLB) with second division or class of law. Apart from this, for the 'education' field, only from the established university, only 'counseling psychology' for women candidates and both male and female candidates must have graduate and postgraduate pass in physics. All cases of education should be in second division or minimum CGPA 2.75.
Physical fitness
For male candidates, the height should be at least 64 inches or five feet four. The chest size should be 30 inches in normal condition and 32 inches in the expanded state.
For female candidates, the height should be at least 62 inches or five feet two inches. The chest size should be 28 inches in normal condition and 30 inches in expanded condition.
Both the male and female candidates will be weighted according to age and height. In addition, the eyesight should be 6/6 or according to the rules.
Candidates must be 30 years old according to 01 July, 017.
The application process
Interested candidates can apply through the forms collected from the mentioned places in the notification, as well as apply online from the Air Force website ( According to the rules mentioned in the instructions of the applicant's application fee of Rs. 600, the candidates will have to submit from the bank draft or pay order, Teletalk prepaid number or bKash number. In order to apply, follow the other rules mentioned in the notification.

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