Mobile charge from the tree tub!

October 21, 2017

Many people plant trees in the porch or hobbies on the table. They probably do not know, from this tab, you can charge the necessary device or mobile phone. Many people may be surprised to hear the word. But this is really true.
Pots battery charge
A recent startup company in Europe has discovered the technology to charge the battery from a tubing plant in the bio-light system. The company said that they will be able to charge mobile phones by using the technology that is available on the USB port in the downstairs USB port.
The company also said that this bio-light system will provide USB charging facility just like a laptop or desktop computer. A small tree tub can be given at least 3 times a smartphone or tablet flower charge in 24 hours.
It is found that the plant produces its food through photosynthesis or photosynthetic process. Due to this process the plants release many types of biological elements with the help of roots. There is a chamber below the tub in the bio-light system, where there are anode, cathode, micro-organisms, bio-molecules and biological nanose-wires.
Then the photosynthesis attracts the system when the bio masses are spread over the bio elements. It produces electrons through reaction. As a result, around 5 volts of electricity is generated through USB and cathode USB ports. As a result, without any hassle, it is possible to charge the tub from a USB cable through a cable tube.

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